
Nativity scenes


Competition in Christmas carols

Lea Leticija- Jingle bells rock

Silent night- tiha noć



link to blogs:


There were 4 categories for this competitive eTwinning project for pupils to choose:
  1. people
  2. nature
  3. sport
  4. places
           We were exchanging the best tools to fit the Project. Suggestions arrived:

But, the pupils' comments had to follow some rules - politeness and good manners!







Pupils' Application form
Pupils were to take a photo in one language, name their shot photo and sent it to the founder. Then, a display was put on the twinspace. The jury of 9 distinguished teachers chose the best ones.

These were just some of  many photos sent by numerous pupils.

We organised a jury of 9 that decided about the most interested photos children  shot.Here is our jury members:

The jury decided!

Our children also voted selected by partnering schools. 
This is their most successful photo:

So, they didn't choose much more different then the jury.
Finally, all the pupils involved in the Project got.

We also opened extra activities page for those pupils who didn't fit the strict contest rules.

But all the pupils got the Certificate of achievement for their exceptional role in the Project as the partners without who the Projects was made for.

Our School EQLs.




Our web-page:

by February '18


Father of modern Olympics

and the winner in stamp competition was...

Our Schools'  'Olympic' competitions and art exhibitions

Olympics competition of all Zadar Schools  in Zadar centre

Art posters from UK

Inspiring you... ( UK)

All  in London incorporated in the Queen Diamond jubilee

Paralympics by Linda Kay

Our Olympics dictionary 

Two Online meetings with many partnering schools!


Survey & results




Easter activities

Here are some of Croatian activities: from meeting our hometown to traditional recipes, customs, and children's creative Easter stories...

Here's a funny Easter bunny video created by Lea Leticija Vukić ( with Disniland characters):

Our pupils: Dea B., Lea Leticija V., Nika,  Katarina and few more pupils aged 12 really enjoyed working on several different ICT tools as Dvolver, Youtube, Slideboom, Picturetrail,Smilebox,  Glogster and used all their imagination and creativity.Well done!

Robert Storm Petersen 'chain reaction' - a base for the Project

  a blog

our School data

our body chain reaction

our 'Sweet' chain reaction

the results


Project founders:

web link:


Ovaj eTwinning projekt čvrste strukture sažimao je nacionalne u internacionalne granice: geografski.povijesno, kulturološki…
Cilj je bio da djeca kreiraju tradicionalnu zastavu u bojama svoje nacionalne zastave.
Taj zadatak bio je izazov svim partnerima, pa i nama, su-osnivačima Projekta  ( sa Rumunjskom osnovnom školom i mojim twinnerom kolegicom Liviom Dobrescu).
Kako su naše boje zastava crveno, bijelo, plava, mi smo se odlućili i za naše tradicionalne specijalitete: načinili smo velik kvadrat na kojeg smo posložili šnite pršuta, paški sir i bobe tamno plavog grožđa.
Naravno. Kako naslov i govori, te jestive zastave, pa tako i naša, Hrvatska, začas je pojedena od strane učenika koji su na slasnoj zastavi svoje zemlje i radili. Na koncu, žiri je našu jestivu zastavu proglasio najboljom, na zadovoljstvo učenika i njihovog mentora. Naposljetku, diseminacija o Projektu te web-blog Projekta.
Naučili smo puno o povijesti brojnih država EU ( sudjelovao 71 partner iz 19 država EU). Projekt je završio 30.lipnja 2013.
Za Projekt Škola i učenici dobili su i Nacionalnu i Europsku nagradu izvrsnosti.

This is our filming the preparation of our tasty Croatian flag

Croatian Tasty flag in the colour of Croatian flag: res ( smoked ham), white (cheeese) and blue ( grapes)

Some of 20 other European tasty flags:
